First Week Of Senior Year

My first week of school has been EXHAUSTING! Waking up early is not my favorite thing to do but the first day went by super fast.Monday night band practice was long and tiring. I am not ready to graduate from White Oak High School. Today is my last, first football game of high school it is really bittersweet because I have grown into a family in band and the band directors are the best they can be. That is all about my first week of school.




Nelly Cruz

I am doing this assignment to practice using my new vocabulary 2-2 and using the verb ser. Also practicing my conjugations for ser.

Nelly Crus es República Dominican.Él es trienta y uno años.Él es atlético y  alto. Nelson Cruz  es a béisbolista. Él simpático y trabjador.Nelly Crus es Sra.Hugghins jugador favorito.



¡Así soy yo!

Me llamo Courtney.

No soy ni atlético ni perezoso.

Soy musical, honesta, y estudiosa.

Mi mejor amigo es  atlético y honesto.

Todos los días yo escucho música, paso tiempo con mis amigas,pinto,y uso la computadora.

Nunca corro ni jugo al videojuegos.

¡Así soy yo!

Vokii Projecttt(:

First, I created my voki the way I wanted my avatar to look. Then I clicked the phone and called the number on my cell phone,and spoke into my phone what my voki character needed to say. Then I clicked the  send to friend button and emailed it to Sra.Hugghins to be graded.

I did like this activity it was fun and easy,and Internet homework is sometimes not fun because I get easily distracted with facebook or other things online.It helped me pronounce words in Spanish better.